Frequently Asked Questions.
Head lice are very small creatures that can be difficult to see at first.
Nitwits provides a safe, non toxic treatment to eliminate lice.
Anyone can get head lice. Personal cleanliness or hygiene does not play a role in getting head lice – head lice typically tend to prefer clean hair over dirty hair.
Head lice are spread when head-to-head contact occurs with an infested person. Head lice can also be spread between people from head-to-head contact with items such as hats, pillows, etc. This, however, is much less likely.
Lice can live off of a human host for only 24-48 hours. Lice prefer to be within human hair so they are somewhat unlikely to jump off and hide on items such as pillows and hats. However, it is possible.
Symptoms of head lice include feeling a tickling sensation or feeling that something may be moving within the hair. Lice bite the scalp which causes an allergic reaction, and itching then occurs. The symptoms of head lice can be easy to miss.
Lice are most commonly found on the scalp, near the neckline at the base of the head and behind the ears.
No, head lice cannot jump, fly or swim. However, they are excellent crawlers and will quickly move from one person to another when the hair of two people are in contact.
Call us at Nitwits! We are certified to diagnose and treat head lice infestations. Our method is chemical free, safe and effective. We are located in Baton Rouge, LA.
At this time, there is no scientific evidence to support that head lice carry any diseases.
Most importantly, avoid head-to-head contact during play and other activities while at home, school and other places. Avoid sharing brushes, combs and other personal items used by an infected person. Thoroughly wash any articles used by the infested person during the previous two days with hot water and dry on high heat . It is important to not use toxic sprays or fogs as they are not necessary to effectively treat a head lice infestation.
It is not necessary to treat everyone in your home unless they are showing signs and symptoms of head lice. It is important to keep a close watch on other family members for at least 10-15 days after the head lice infestation.
Vacuum carpet and furniture, wash clothing and bedding in as hot of water as possible. Treat pillows by putting them in the dryer at the highest heat setting possible for at least twenty minutes.
There are approximately 6 to 12 million head lice infestations each year in the United States.